- monitor and control progress on the project,
in a way that
- collects actual work and cost performance information,
- collects latest estimates to completion,
- compares actual performance with plan,
- determines the causes of the deviation,
- promotes replanning,
- identifies out of tolerance situations,
- involves all parts of the Project Organization,
so that
- the project work can be carried out as scheduled.
It is very unusual for any undertaking to go exactly to plan. Projects are no exception. By the nature of a project, more information is being uncovered all the time which can affect the progress of the project.
It is important to monitor the degree to which the plan is being followed, and to take appropriate action if the project is deviating significantly from the plan.
The progress control procedures that are defined during the Project Initiation stage form the basis of the progress control during project stages. These procedures cover day to day progress tracking amongst the team, up to Project Board reporting.
Checkpoints are held throughout the project at weekly intervals and provide the mechanism for monitoring and controlling the day to day work on the project. Performance information is captured and plans are updated prior to the Project Status meeting. This enables the meeting to concentrate on determining what to do next.
Defining the control procedures includes the setting of tolerance levels for project performance.
When the stage tolerance is exceeded, the Stage Manager should carry out the tasks in the Exception Situation step, to regain control of the project.
Task .010 Capture Performance
Create the timesheets and distribute to the project team members at the beginning of the checkpoint cycle.
Capture from each team member the following:
- actual start date for tasks started this period,
- actual finish date for tasks finished this period,
- actual work (effort) in hours per task this period,
- latest estimated work in hours to complete the task,
- latest estimated elapsed time (duration) in hours to complete the task.
Capture any non-staff costs incurred this period.
Software Guidelines
Task .020 Update Schedule
Update the schedule by task by resource for the following:
- actual start date for tasks started this period,
- actual finish date for tasks finished this period,
- actual work (effort) in hours per task this period,
- latest estimated work in hours to complete the task.
Manually compare the rescheduled completion dates with the latest estimated elapsed time to complete. In order to make the scheduler recalculate an end date compatible with the estimated elapsed time to complete it may be necessary to revise the resource unit value or resource calender; e.g. A resource is assigned 50% to a task and the estimated work to complete is 3 days. The scheduler will recalculate the end date to be 6 working days hence. However, the resource has stated that the elapsed time to complete is 10 days because of a training class. In this example, update the resource calender to remove the 4 days of the class from the calculation.
Software Guidelines
Task .030 Update Costs
Update the Stage Cost Summary worksheet with:
- actual costs incurred this period,
- estimated remaining costs.
Staff costs will be automatically updated from the scheduler, since they are calculated from actual work.
Non-staff costs (Hardware & Network, Software, Project Training, Installation Training and Miscellaneous items) will be updated directly in the Stage Cost Summary worksheet. In practice it is expected that these non-staff costs will be maintained at a stage level, rather than by checkpoint.
Software Guidelines
Task .040 Replan Stage Schedule
Review the Tracking Gantt and Cost Workbook and identify any deviation from the baseline. Establish why the deviation has occurred. Refer back to the Project Control Factors to help determine the appropriate corrective action and adjust the schedule accordingly. Actions include:
- do nothing,
- accept a date slippage, within the project tolerance levels,
- adjust staff availablity,
- reassign staff,
- assign additional resources,
- coach and motivate the staff to work more effectively,
- resolve scheduling conflicts,
- expedite fuller client participation
- reduce the number of tasks,
- substitute tasks.
Determine if the stage has exceeded the progress, cost and quality tolerance levels agreed with the Project Board. If the stage is out of tolerance then execute the tasks in the Exception Management step to regain control of the project.
Review status of open issues and determine any further action required on these issues.
Review the status of any outstanding quality reviews.
Review any new Change Requests.
Revise the schedule.
Software Guidelines
Task .050 Conduct Team Status Review
Conduct a Status Meeting with the Project Team.
It is beneficial to conduct the Status Meeting according to a formal standard agenda.
Items for discussion are:
- achievements this period,
- planned activities that are incompleted or overdue,
- activities for the next period,
- new issues identified this period,
- issues closed this period,
- summary of results of quality reviews,
- summary of schedule and cost status,
- suggested revisions to the plan,
The Status Meeting is an opportunity to exchange information between all members of the Project Team.
Task .060 Create Status Report
The Status Report provides a record of current achievements and immediate expectations of the project. It provides an accurate history of the project, effectively communicates to all interested parties the current status of the project, and integrates progress tracking, change control and issue management.
Create the weekly Status Report. List:
- accomplishments this period,
- items not completed this period,
- proposed activities for the next period,
- reference new issues identified this period from the Project Issues Log,
- reference any issues resolved this period from the Project Issues Log,
- identify any predicted slippage to the stage schedule, along with cause and corrective action,
- identify any predicted cost overrun, along with cause and corrective action.
Distribute to the Project Team and the development Manager directly responsible for the Project Manager.
Retain an electronic and paper copy of the Status Report.
Task .070 Update Stage Schedule
Following to the Status Meeting make any additional adjustments to the schedule and Stage Cost Summary worksheet.
Software Guidelines
Task .080 Create Flash Report
Create the Flash Report at the end of the month.
Summarize the accomplishments for the month, schedule status, upcoming tasks for the month, and any major issues.
Distribute to the Project Team and Project Board.
Retain an electronic and paper copy of the Flash Report.
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